A typical Four Seasons Yard Care spray program includes:
- Cycle 1: Crabgrass control with fertilizer. We use a 19-0-6 fertilizer coated with Barricade®. It is applied when the ground temperature reaches 45 to 55 degrees.
- Cycle 2: Liquid broadleaf spray with granular fertilizer. We run a 30-0-15 mix with 2% iron and 50% slow release nitrogen, plus a micronutrient package. May–June is the typical application timeframe.
- Cycle 3: Irrigated lawn application. Irrigated lawns benefit from a mid-summer (most likely July) granular fertilizer application. We apply a 30-0-5 mix with 50% slow release.
- Cycle 4: Liquid broadleaf spray with granular fertilizer. We run a 30-0-15 mix with 2% iron and 50% slow release nitrogen, plus a micronutrient package. This cycle is applied in the September-October timeframe.
- Cycle 5: Winterizer fertilizer. Applying a 30-0-5 fertilizer mix late in the season helps lawns green up in the spring. It is applied after grass has stopped growing.
- Lawn aeration. This is a very important step in our lawn care process, because it helps keep grass healthy and stimulates new root growth. Aeration is done in early spring or late fall.
- Grub control. If a lawn shows signs of grub infestation, treatment is most effective in June and July. Our grub-control pesticide is watered in.